Universal Engineering is a trusted name that brings you a wide range of valves that are perfect in terms of engineering and quality...
Universal Product's Diagrams :
Universal Engineering has an exhaustive range of Valves. Diagrams of our basic range of products are displayed below. Click on the Diagram Title to view the entire diagram.
Globe Valve Diagrams
Gate Valve Diagrams
Ball Valve Diagrams

Diagram of Three Piece Flange End Ball Valve - 150 / 300

Check Valve / Non-Return Valve Diagrams

Swing Check Valve - 150 / 300 / 600

Dual Plate Check Valve - 125 / 150
Wafer Type Check Valve - 150 / 300
Special Valve Diagrams

Y - Type Strainer (150 / Din Std. ND 40)

Foot Valve (Metallic)
Flush Bottom Valve - 150 /300
Needle Valve
Steam Trap (Thermodynamic)

Steam Trap (Horizontal Bucket Type)

3 Way Pneumatic Control Valve - 150 / 300
3 Way Motorised Control Valve - 150 / 300
End Flange Diagrams

End Flange Dimensions - Table ND 40 / 64

End Flange Dimensions - Table ND 100 / 160
Conversion Tables

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